there are a lot of histories of japan on the shelf 意味

  • その書棚にはたくさんの日本史の本がある


        on a shelf:    《be ~》たなの上に載っている
        on the shelf:    on the shelf 架上 かじょう
        shelf:     shelf n. 棚; 岩棚. 【動詞+】 build shelves 棚を作る The shelves were filled with books. 棚には本がいっぱい並べられていた install new shelves 新しい棚を取りつける the volumes that line the shelves of our public
        histories 1:    {形} : 歴史的に有名な、由緒ある histories 2 {名-1} : 歴史{れきし}、歴史学{れきしがく} He teaches history at school. 彼は学校で歴史を教えている。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名-2} : 過去{かこ
        have had a lot of interest here in japan as well:    ここ日本{にほん}でもかなりの関心{かんしん}を呼んでいる
        customer with incomplete credit histories:    与信{よしん}の低い顧客{こきゃく}
        identified by dietary histories:    《be ~》食事歴{しょくじれき}によって判定{はんてい}される
        nurtured by long, multifaceted histories:    《be ~》悠久{ゆうきゅう}の歴史{れきし}に育まれる
        sum over histories:    経歴総和法{けいれき そうわ ほう}
        get rid of unneeded url histories:    不必要{ふひつよう}な URL 履歴{りれき}を削除{さくじょ}する
        have histories of physical abuse at home:    家庭{かてい}で肉体的虐待{にくたい てき ぎゃくたい}を経験{けいけん}している
        a lot:    a lot 一区 いっく ずっと 大分 だいぶ だいぶん 数多 あまた すうた 連中 れんちゅう れんじゅう 沢山 たくさん 一括め ひとくるめ 一画 いっかく
        a lot of:    a lot of 一杯 いっぱい
        by lot:    {1} : くじで、抽選で -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 《by lots》別々に分けて
        in a lot:    まとめて


  1. "there are a great many of them" 意味
  2. "there are a growing number of small-scale, private traders on the stock exchange" 意味
  3. "there are a lot of complaints against the government's policies" 意味
  4. "there are a lot of fleas in its fur" 意味
  5. "there are a lot of guerrillas about, so avoid exposing yourself unnecessarily" 意味
  6. "there are a lot of motives involved―political, ethnic, personal" 意味
  7. "there are a lot of names on that plaque" 意味
  8. "there are a lot of outstanding crimes on police records" 意味
  9. "there are a lot of people who equate mechanical invention with civilization" 意味
  10. "there are a lot of fleas in its fur" 意味
  11. "there are a lot of guerrillas about, so avoid exposing yourself unnecessarily" 意味
  12. "there are a lot of motives involved―political, ethnic, personal" 意味
  13. "there are a lot of names on that plaque" 意味

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